
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sape tau?

Sape tau resepi apam sarawak ngan apam sabah? (sebenarnya tak pernah dengar pon)

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JJ's trying to get in!!!!

Dont know what makes this kitty just came to our home, just appeared from nowhere.
Some people says that once u call a "name" then that kitty turns to u, then u can call that kitty with that particular name, so then we call this out-of-sudden" naughty-kitty as JJ, which is means Jibek Junior. Because just like a copy of Jibek, in colour i mean and tail design hehehe.. thinking this JJ is descentant of Jibek,,?erm...might be not but probably yes??? not sure if u really know who Jibek is!

Perhaps u already know who's Jibek. That "not-so-straight" cat originally not our pet. Came from neglected life (because d'ori owner is our neighbour, just move to another place), this shameless cat made our our house as him as well.

This photo below shown that JJ's trying to get into house but stucked between the sliding door muahahaha..u deserves that JJ!! So naughty. Jibek just do nothing because even he himself do not succeed to make it.

Last time can call Jibek as a kind-cat-being but lately this young guy changed!!! One of punishments : to be throw into pond.. but so stubbron this cat-being hah?? even actually i think he loves to be done like that what?

But Jibek has unique sound, instead of normal "meow", he said.." ee-oo" with pray-for-sympathy-face. Nyampah!!!

But just now i just saw a beautiful-face lady (cat). yeah, beautiful.. I want to tangkap her lah ahaks..

See yaa!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

saat alam berbisik

manfaatkanlah seluruh pancainderamu, saat alam mula berbisik..

dan saat makhluk Tuhan berbicara tanpa suara

sesungguhnya sikap berdiam diri berserta pemerhatian yang halus orang yang berakal itu jauh lebih baik daripada bicara panjang oleh orang yang bodoh dan sombong

Dragon - The Myth?

ahaks.. tengoklah gambor nih. Agak² kenal tak ? erm... ni kategori mutasi gen ke kecacatan nih hah..? macam naga pon ade jugak hehe..