Pembinaan bengkel pemprosesan dan mencapai tahap 85%-90%. Alhamdulillah. Walaupun dari aspek rekabentuknya pada saya masih banyak ruang untuk diperbaiki, namun setakat inilah dulu kemampuan yang ada. "Tunggu nanti kaya sket" <--- ayat klise saya bila masalah bajet menyekat sebarang pergerakan dan keputusan. Kata orang dari dulu sampai sekarang, ukur baju di badan sendiri ye tak?.
From here onward, our team and me have to prepare all the setup steps. No matter how small or big the workshop@factory is, we have to make it right from the very beginning so then later on, we have something to refer to, to standing on and to make it uniformly presented. That's what we people call Standard of Procedure (SOP). I believe that majority of us kind of familiar with this SOP. For me personally, yes I'd familiar with SOPs but which are properly printed and ready to be ran by respective people. But in this particular case, yo!!! I'm running out of my head.To put everything in the lines of understandable phrases. To arrange the words which can be understandable for me still can be targeted as real coup, but to make it obediently done with no cost by various human being...herm...? you know it by yourself for sure haaa..
Fill up the worker vacancies is another issue of the steps. What's the policies we want to take in, how to pick up the right candidates and how to be a good employer as well. But thanks to our short working experiences, perhaps what we went through in old days might help us a lot. Amiiin..
Sementara menunggu suntikan modal tambahan yang di dalam progress, aktiviti mengarang SOP telah dimulakan. Agak lama juga rasanya semenjak kali terakhir saya mengarang sebarang dokumen rasmi. Bukan mudah jugak kot nak menimbulkan idea dan
mood. Harapannya semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Mengusahakan rezeki untuk menjadi rezeki insan lain jugak.